Syed ( Sid) Farhan | 20 Oct, 2019

As housing costs soar, New California laws make it easy for Home owners to add a Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) to their Single Family Homes. You can call it (ADU) Granny Unit, or in-law unit or a rental. These are getting very popular in the Bay Area, as you can get extra rental income, or have your grown up children move in there. It is expensive to build though. Where do I come in? I am a Licensed Dealer of Manufactured Homes. What we do is, We bring Manufactured homes from the Manufacturer and place it in your backyard. These homes once put on a permanent foundation are just as well built as conventional units, and are considered Real Estate. These houses are built Per HUD codes, and are monitored and inspected very closely for quality !


It costs about 40% less than a conventional unit, Minimizes cost overruns, since Majority of Vertical Construction Costs are predetermined. And I can get it done from start to finish in less than 6 months. However, this is not possible with Conventional construction. These pre fabricated homes are built by craftsmen and machines indoor in the factory, therefore the material and finishing is much better than what you would build outdoors conventionally. However, Contact me to get pricing and different Models and plans that I have to fit in your backyard, or vacant land. As you know, I have been a Real Estate and Mortgage Broker for the past 25 years, and am very well versed with Real Estate Matters. My cell # is the best # to call 510-409-7315. Or just write an email to